Saturday, December 8, 2012

V for Vendetta?

On page 52, Nancy's boyfriend gives a thorough description on the last moment he saw the Clutter's before the murder, which I now know will happen. I believe one can relate to nowadays, where people tend to be part of drama. As soon as there is an issue, everyone tries to be involved. About a month ago I was riding my car when a lady began crossing the streets without looking to see what was coming. Unfortunately, the car in the lane beside ours crashed into her. The woman didn't die, she was barely hurt, but every person around had to give their opinion about how everything happened. The hurt woman was dazed and wanted to leave but people didn't care; they were trying to convince the woman to sue. People just exaggerated the events. I bet Nancy's boyfriend mourned her but it's not relevant that when "[he] thinks back, [he thinks] someone must have been hiding there. Maybe down among the trees. Somebody just waiting for [him] to leave." Now I feel he's just trying to be part of this interesting event in Holcomb.

Imagine the effects of a crime like this on a podunk like Holcomb. Chaos! Who can you trust, now that everyone seems guilty? Where once you saw neighbors today you picture murders. It's just like a game of Clue, everybody's pointing fingers.

And for Perry and Dick, as I have read their thoughts I think they might have planned the murder scene oh-too-well to leave evidence behind... I sure hope they get caught like in CSI where the police finds the most simple proof and  it helps solve the case. I actually don't want to go to sleep now because these descriptions about the scene gave me chills, but also caught my attention just like it attracted the media to Holcomb. 

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