Saturday, September 1, 2012

Applying Half a Rhetorical Triangle

After one watches a scary movie, it is not uncommon to feel paranoic. Brent was continously in that state. "There´s a camera in the balloon. I know that because every time the balloon moves, there is a sound like a hidden camera and that means that they´re watching me, but I don´t know who they are." (Pg. 28) He´s totally under control.

Maybe this paranoia led to his suicide attempt. The events that followed make me question who the audience was and what Runyon´s motive for writing the memoir was. Up to what I´ve read, I´d say he wrote it either for therapy or to communicate with people who have survived their own suicide attempts. Another example of writing for therapy would be Darin Strauss´s Half a Life, previously discussed in class. He had not been able to overcome Celine´s death until he discovered the meaning of the suicide note and wrote down the details after the accident. In both cases, it seems that both time and inditing memoirs can help overcome tragedies. The context in both memoirs would be regret in their adult life for something that happened when they were younger. Actually, both Half a Life and Burn Journals are similar in terms of of the rhetorical triangle. As I continue reading into the narration, there is a chance I´ll change my opinion about these topics. 

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